ORANGE : digital
(w/ Prospect, 2009)
Problem: Orange Business Services, the B2B arm of Orange, one of the leading providers of mobile phone services in Europe, needed to develop a series of communications that would help allay the fears of clients in difficult economic times. The communications needed to reinforce Orange’s efforts at becoming a trusted global telecoms partner.
Solution: The primary need was to create a positive uplifting story, without being naïve about the recession. It was decided to use a touch of humor to make a serious point. The communications needed to work for both online and offline channels, in order to allow the global Orange network to tailor the approach to its specific markets.
A set of six statements was developed that highlighted the various forms of help that Orange could offer its customers. The phrases were illustrated by fanciful tools that playfully exaggerated the solution. The illustrations were in keeping with the Orange brand voice. They were adapted for postcards, posters, online use, as well as small animations that could run on the site.
Impact: The campaign was launched throughout Orange Business Service’s global network, reaching 38 locations around the world. The campaign helped to reassure and retain existing customers, while boosting internal morale at the same time.