COPI : space
(w/ Sottsass Associati, 1992 - 1994)
Problem: COPI, a small, Netherlands-based retailer of design objects wanted to bring high design to its stores. The original store in Den Haag was to be followed by three more outlets in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Maastricht. Each store was housed in a unique space, from 500 to 2000 sq ft in size. To save costs, some common display elements needed creating, but each store had to respond to its unique context.
Solution: The design language focused on elemental forms, set off by rich materials and surfaces. All furniture was modular, built off-site and installed in store. Loss prevention was also a consideration, especially for wristwatches. To this end, a special room was developed to house the watch offering in a series of playful, interlinked display towers.
Impact: The spaces conveyed a convivial design feel, drawing in customers in who might be looking for a little, cheerful gift (a "copi" in Dutch). Associates appreciated the overall working environment and the well-considered attention to detail.